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Audio Recording Presentations

OCD in Halacha
00:00 / 57:43

In this podcast, Dr. Schwartz is interview by Dovid Lichtenstein to discuss how OCD impacts Halachic living in general and specifically in regard to Pesach planning.

Fair to Be Frum? Identification & Treatment of OCD
00:00 / 32:57

Dr. Schwartz addresses a full audience at the Yeshiva University Medical Ethics Conference on the topic of how members of the Orthodox Jewish Community can best relate to those with OCD.

PTSD in the Sukkah
00:00 / 48:45

A pre-Sukkot lecture on how to handle issues of post traumatic stress during the holiday of Sukkot.

Doubt in Deed is Doubt indeed!
00:00 / 1:05:25

Dr. Schwartz offers therapeutic insights on how to deal with a most debilitating condition – doubt.

Do Halacha & Treatment collaborate or collide?
00:00 / 54:47

Dr. Schwartz examines a number of contemporary treatment approaches to OCD and deals with the challenges of whether they collide with Jewish law and if so, how to align them appropriately.

00:00 / 12:47

A joint presentation with Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Dr. Schwartz presents OCD, its challenges and some of its potential solutions to college students at YU.

Dr Jonathan Schwartz lecturing

In the Media

From locally to international, Dr. Schwartz has had the privilege of joining panels and podcasts and speaking at conferences and workshops in local, national, and global arenas. Please contact us if you would like to invite Dr. Schwartz to speak to your audience.

Dr Jonathan Schwartz

Published articles

Do you need a Rabbi or a therapist?
Overcoming performance Anxiety
Getting a handle on OCD
Seeking Mr/Mrs “Perfect” Denying Mr./Mrs. “Right”
Reclaiming Happiness in the Digital Age
Can you help me with my daughter?
Social Phobia: Giving a SAD story a happy ending
Am I too perfect?

Video Presentations

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