What do you treat?
We provide clinical services for individuals presenting with an array of problems, including depression, Marital stress and discord, bereavement, psychological anxiety and depression arising from medical conditions, as well as common anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and specific phobias. However, we are known for anxiety treatment which is the primary focus of our work.
Who and what don’t you treat?
Individuals who are currently using controlled substances or are at risk to engage in behavior that poses an imminent danger to themselves or others are not suitable candidates for our practice. We also do not treat children or adolescents.
I heard that people with purely mental obsessions cannot be treated. Is that true?
No. Many people do not understand that an obsession is in fact, a form of a mental compulsion. Therefore, exposure therapy is very useful in attacking obsessional thoughts, both through imaginal and in vivo exposure exercises.
Wait, so I need treatment because I get scared sometimes?
Not exactly. Fear is an adaptive (healthy) response that all human beings have to a real threat (e.g., the “fight or flight” response). So, if you were stuck on a train track and heard the horn of the oncoming train and were fearful and ran off the tracks, that would not be anxiety. Anxiety occurs when people have the same fear response in situations where it is not necessary to be afraid. People can have anxiety about being on bridges, or in tunnels or on planes or trains or subways because usually their fear response here (and the desire to avoid these experiences) do not meet the normal threat level.
Can I come into treatment for my anxiety if I also suffer from depression?
Many people are depressed as a result of their anxiety. Typically, as the anxiety is treated and the symptoms begin to lift, so do the symptoms of depression.
I think my anxiety is going to make me crazy. Has that happened?
This is a common anxiety theme. To date, no research has shown this to be true.
How do YOU treat anxiety?
We provide cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT). CBT involves identifying and changing maladaptive patters of thought and behavior. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is present-focused (so you won’t be spending years talking about the “blame game”) and patients are taught how to identify and change thoughts and behaviors that effect the way they feel. Treatment involves “homework” to put into practice that which is discussed in session and to solidify the changes in thinking and acting. Treatment tends to be relatively shorter in duration than other approaches but that time frame also depends on patient motivation.
Does the CBT approach make sense? Does it last?
Anxiety is one of the most treatable conditions and the research indicates that the best courses of treatment involve CBT.Relapse prevention is an integral part of our therapy therefore every effort is made to reduce the risk for relapse. Our goal in therapy is to teach individuals how to apply CBT principles in their own lives so that should symptoms surface, they will know what to do to address them.
What about meds? Do you use them in treatment?
As a psychologist I do not prescribe medication. Medication can be helpful for certain people at certain times, and sometimes I will recommend that a client have a consultation with a psychiatrist to determine whether medication would be useful.
Can I continue to see my current therapist while undergoing anxiety treatment?
If you are receiving marital therapy and your therapist is willing to collaborate with us and support our approach, it may be fine to remain in therapy. Therapists do not see someone currently in treatment in the same modality (individual, couples or group) with another therapist.
How much does treatment cost?
Please contact our office for current rates.
Do you accept insurance?
We are not on any insurance panels and do not accept insurance payments (i.e., patients must pay for treatment directly). We do provide receipts for all treatment received as well as supporting information and documentation to assist you in receiving reimbursement from your insurance company. It is recommended that you check with your insurance company prior to receiving treatment in order to determine to what degree, if at all, treatment will be reimbursed out of network.